
更新 2023年11月20日


Former Trustee Judy Hill Kittredge ’49 sat down on April 18 with Board of Trustees President Nancy Gustafson Ault ’73

今年4月18日, Former Trustee Judy Hill Kittredge ’49 sat down with Board of Trustees President Nancy Gustafson Ault ’73, to talk about Judy’s experience as a student at Miss Hall’s and her role as a Trustee. They were joined by Judy's daughter, 朱迪·基特里奇·安德森,88年, who helped facilitate the Zoom logistics.

The conversation ranged from serving as a Trustee during challenging times, 欢迎MHS社区, 朱迪作为志愿者的长寿. Judy is one of the few to have known every Head of School except Mira Hall, herself.

Tell me about your journey to Miss Hall’s.

In 1945, I entered Miss Hall’s as a day student from the Pittsfield Public Schools. My academic preparation wasn’t that great, so to read the 奥德赛 in Latin as a freshman was a challenge.  I ended up really liking Latin and won a prize my sophomore year.  My father nearly fell off the chair!

Coming to Miss Hall’s was a big change for me — but a good one.  I met girls from all over the place, many of them more sophisticated than I was.  And they remained lifelong friends.

What are your favorite memories of your time as a MHS student?

在我大三的末尾, 我的父母搬到了普罗维登斯, 罗德岛州, 我成了一名寄宿学生.  I loved getting to know the girls in all four classes so well.  I liked sports, especially field hockey, tennis, and skiing.  I didn’t run very fast on the field, so they made me the goalie.  我很自豪能成为 优等生社团 和学生会.  I loved Miss Margaret Hall, even though she was strict.

Clearly you are a fan of single-sex education, having also enrolled your daughter at MHS.  Why is single-sex education important from your point of view?

I think it’s important in high school for girls to be themselves and hold leadership positions without competing with boys.  I went on to Smith College and our children all attended single-sex high schools, including Caroline ’77 and Judy ’88.

Did you enjoy your time on the Miss Hall’s Board of Trustees (1983–1991)? You were on the Board when the School went from The Hall School to become Miss Hall’s once again.  那是什么感觉??

那是一段繁忙的时光!  I spent a lot of time at the School, 和很多人一起工作, 像我这样的, were very devoted to Miss Hall’s:  Don Oakes, 丹•李, 吉姆·欧文, 本林, 和卡特·怀特.  I think all of us were very happy when we became Miss Hall’s School again.  And then, we got Bob Bussey, who the Board decided to hire, even though he was in his early thirties.  结果非常好.

Two accomplishments I remember: 本林 asked me to help facilitate the sale of the Weston home to Miss Hall’s, 结果很好.  A more complicated challenge was negotiating the change in Heads of School from 丹•李 to Trudy Hall.

Even though we aren’t in the same reunion cycle, I’ve had the pleasure of spending time with you at every single reunion I’ve ever attended, and have witnessed you leading the Snake Dance many a time!  What does it feel like to be one of the most recognizable MHS alums of all time?

I have lived to almost 90, and I have been close to the School since the 1950’s.  当我在哈佛工作的时候, I didn’t have a car and took the bus to Pittsfield to come to 女校友 Council meetings.  When John and I were married, I came back to Dalton and became much more involved with the School.  My employment and major volunteer efforts have all been in the education world. 每次聚会我都来.  In 2019, four of us were together to celebrate our 70th reunion.

Miss Hall’s is obviously imprinted on your heart, and vice versa.  And you are part of a larger legacy at Miss Hall’s.  John was a member of the Crane Family — Win, Jr. was the first Board Chair and helped Mira rebuild after the fire.  Then Win, III took over and was Board Chair until 1950.  Did that legacy impart a certain responsibility for you?

Many members of the Crane and Kittredge families have been students at Miss Hall’s, starting with Ethel Eaton in 1902 through Lily in 2011.  约翰的第一任妻子, Martha Jane Furey Kittredge ’47 was President of the School, 还有她的父亲, Rankin弗瑞, 是董事会主席吗.  约翰觉得离学校很近.  这是一笔可观的遗产.

Starting with your time as a student through to your continuous volunteer involvement to the present day, 你差不多都看完了!  What are your thoughts on how MHS has evolved over time?  What are the biggest changes you see?  什么保持不变?

我是76年前进入这所学校的, I have known and worked with many Heads of School, and I have known every Head except for Mira Hall.  In the 1940’s, it was a traditional school with mostly upper middle class girls.  The changes have been very good — it’s great to see the diversity there today.  I have been very impressed with Julia Heaton.  Some traditions, like Reunion, have lasted the test of time.  And, I have always felt the School is a welcoming community. There was a time during the 70’s when we worried that the School would close, 财政状况也不强.  And, it’s really good to see the school doing better.